Access to affordable, quality early childhood education is a critical piece missing from the education system in this country. Children from poor families who live in impoverished areas benefit significantly from quality early childhood education. Yet, it’s those same families who struggle the most with the availability and affordability of quality care.
An article published in the upcoming issue of the Arkansas Law Review argues that early childhood education could be the answer to school finance litigation across the country. Below is a synopsis of the article as provided by the law review editorial board:
Why Kindergarten is Too Late: The Need for Early Childhood Remedies in School Finance Litigation – Kevin Woodson
“In the remedial phases of school finance lawsuits, courts and legislatures have sought to provide poor children access to adequate educational opportunities by improving educational conditions within elementary and secondary schools. However, scientific and social science research shows that class-based disparities in quality of care during the first years of life can have life-long effects on the academic success of poor children. Professor Woodson argues that courts should require states to provide high-quality early childhood services, from birth and through preschool, as remedies in educational adequacy lawsuits.”
I’ll provide a link to the full article once available.
Hello! Did you ever get a link to the full article? I’m curious to read it!